Annual General Meeting

Warwick Space 71 Coten End, Warwick, Warwickshire, United Kingdom

This years AGM will be postponed until next year due to the ongoing pandemic. The committee will remain in place until next year's AGM (2021) to ensure that there is continuity, and that the club continues as it is over this time. we hope that we will be able to meet again very soon. all…

October Quiz Night

Zoom Meeting Online

This evening we have a quiz night.... pens and paper at the ready. The Zoom Meeting is here: we are looking forward to seeing you all this evening :)    

November Commitee Meeting

Zoom Meeting Online

The Monthly Commitee meeting will take place on the 4th of November. Here is the Zoom Link:

November Bingo Night….

Zoom Meeting Online

This evening we will be holding a Bingo night, your tickets were in the Poppy Pack, so we look forward to you joining the meeting this evening. The Zoom Meeting will start at 8pm and here is the link: See you there, and good luck...  

November Quiz Evening

Zoom Meeting Online

This evening we have a Quiz night.... Pens (or pencils) and paper at the ready.... Join Zoom Meeting:  

Christmas Bingo Night

Zoom Meeting Online

This evening we will be holding the last online night for 2020, and it's BINGO !!! we hope to see you all there (well virtually) Just click this link:  We will see you in 2021, and wish you all a great Christmas and New Year.  

First Committee Meeting of 2021

Zoom Meeting Online

2021.... well there we go. we are holding our first Committee meeting of the year (online of course). Details below: See you there

First Quiz of 2021

Zoom Meeting Online

The first Quiz of 2021 will start at 8pm on January 14th. Mike will be the Quizmaster - so it will be a good quiz, brains at the ready methinks ! Just click this link to Join the Zoom Meeting: We will see you all there, and are looking forward to catching up

January Bingo Night

Zoom Meeting Online

Tonight, we are holding our first Bingo night of 2021. The tickets will be in the activity packs dropping through your door on  (or around) January  21st/22nd. the Zoom meeting details are here: We look forward to seeing you there.

February Quiz Night

Zoom Meeting Online

This evening we will be holding a Quiz.... We hope to see you there, here are the meeting details: