Easter Egg Painting

Warwick Space 71 Coten End, Warwick, Warwickshire, United Kingdom

This evening we are at the Centre for an Easter Egg Painting competiton. The standard is normally great... so lets see who wins this year ..

Karaoke Night

Warwick Space 71 Coten End, Warwick, Warwickshire, United Kingdom

Microphones - Ready Speakers - Ready Music - Ready Heeeeeeeere we go !!!!

Club Night

Warwick Space 71 Coten End, Warwick, Warwickshire, United Kingdom

This evening we are having a Club Night

Meal Out – The Heathcote

The Heathcote Inn Tachbrook Road, Leamington Spa

This evening we are at the Heathcote Inn for a meal out


Warwick Space 71 Coten End, Warwick, Warwickshire, United Kingdom

This evening we are holding a General Knowledge Quiz

Singer – Abi Rowberry

Warwick Space 71 Coten End, Warwick, Warwickshire, United Kingdom

This evening Abi Rowberry is singing for us

Film Night

Warwick Space 71 Coten End, Warwick, Warwickshire, United Kingdom

This evening is Film Night ...

Treasure Hunt

Warwick Space 71 Coten End, Warwick, Warwickshire, United Kingdom

Tonight we are taking advantage of the light evenings and organising a Treasure Hunt

Club Night

Warwick Space 71 Coten End, Warwick, Warwickshire, United Kingdom

This evening is  club night

Art in the Park Craft Night

Warwick Space 71 Coten End, Warwick, Warwickshire, United Kingdom

Tonight we will have a craft night, it's mainly set around the Art In The Park event that happens in July, and we will be making 'things' for this event. Should be fun :)