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Covid-19 and Leamington PHAB CLub


Given the recent turn of events, and the government announcements, we have been in regular consultation with PHAB head office.

The safety of all Phab members and volunteers is an absolute priority and following Government social distancing advice and for the safety of both members and volunteers we have been advised not to meet for at least the next two months when we will all have a clearer idea of the situation.

So, we have taken the decision to suspend our meetings, certainly for the next 2 months.

We will post information and updates on our website ( and hope that you keep safe during this time.

We look forward to seeing everyone again, safe and well, at the other side of this.

PHAB Leamington Committee.

One comment Covid-19 and Leamington PHAB CLub

  1. Hi all, sorry to hear we are closing for a while but it is for the right reason. Keep watching the website for more news . Look after yourselves and we will see you when things get back to normal. We will miss you all. C&M.

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