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April Committee Meeting

Committee Meeting

Well, another great meeting, lots of ideas and thoughts coming from everyone, and plans made….

The planning for the Rowington Fete (in Lowsonford this year) is well underway, and our stall will have lots of interesting games and prizes – information on this will be in the Events section.

We will also be in the Royal Priors on the 25th of May, so feel free to pop along and chat with us and see if this is for you.

We will be asking our members at the next club night for their preferences for this years ‘Turkey Tinsel’ event, and then, once we know where the majority wish to go, we will start the booking process…

We also have lots of exciting events coming up in the club nights, so we look forward to seeing you all there.

One comment April Committee Meeting

  1. Hi there, well another good committee meeting where all committee members had good input. The club is going great guns. Look forward to a good future. Craig and Marie.

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