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Valentines Quiz

Valentines Quiz

The Annual (well it would have to be ) Phab leamington Valentines Quiz was a good evening.

Quizmistress Hannah did a great job with the questions, and we had 4 teams playing.

the final scores were:

First Place: The Smooch with 27 points (plus 1 for the best team name)

The Smooch
The Smooch

Second Place: The Love Bugs with 25 points

The Love Bugs
The Love Bugs

Third Place: The Romantic PHAB 5 with 24 points

The Romantic PHAB 5
The Romantic PHAB 5

Fourth Place: The Love Hearts with 23 points

The Love Hearts
The Love Hearts

So, it was quite close – well for everyone else aside from the Love Bugs who came first due to their superior knowledge and devastating good looks (we are told….)

And then we had a game of ‘stick the lips on the frog’ – never heard of it ? how come, surely this is a normal Valentines thing ?

To explain, its rather like pin the tail on the donkey, but with a mask, some lips, blu tack and a frog….

a bit of a spin then walk forward and attach the lips…. sounds easy, well for some yes for others….. not so good.

and the results were:

Closest to the ‘actual’ frog lips was Paul – excellent work.

Froggy Mc Frog Heart
Froggy Mc Frog Lips

One comment Valentines Quiz

  1. Hi all, had another good night. Well done to the quiz winners, (need to brush up on our valentine knowledge for next year) Good fun night as usual. C&M

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