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Arts and Crafts Night

Arts and Crafts Icon

This is something that we should do more often, we had some great drawings, thanks to Bev for providing the templates.

Yes there was a winner in the night – Mark – with this picture:

Mark - Arts Night May 2019
Mark – Arts Night May 2019

And here are all the other pictures :

Sue B - Arts Night May 2019
Sue B – Arts Night May 2019

Marie - Arts Night May 2019

Marie – Arts Night May 2019

Kate - Arts Night May 2019
Kate – Arts Night May 2019
Hannah - Arts Night May 2019
Hannah – Arts Night May 2019
Danny - Arts Night May 2019
Danny – Arts Night May 2019
Craig C - Arts Night May 2019
Craig C – Arts Night May 2019
Nathananiel - Arts Night May 2019
Nathananiel – Arts Night May 2019
Craig M- Arts Night May 2019
Craig M- Arts Night May 2019
Heidi - Arts Night May 2019
Heidi – Arts Night May 2019
Adrian- Arts Night May 2019
Adrian- Arts Night May 2019

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