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Bowling Night


The bowling night was excellent, we took over 4 lanes for the evening, and set up 4 teams…..

Well… the scoring was all fairly even across the teams – except for Neil who clearly has played before and scored 5 strikes and 2 spares in a row.

the team scores were:

Lane 17 Lane 18 Lane 19 Lane 20
Game 1 386 418 368 464
Game 2 398 339 358 441
Total 784 757 726 905

The highest scorers in each team were:

lane 17: Bev

Lane 18: Neil

Lane 19: Craig C

Lane 20: Chris (more by luck than judgement)


Phab bowling
Phab bowling

One comment Bowling Night

  1. Hi there, just to say we had a really fun night at the ten pin bowling. Everyone enjoyed it and hopefully we will have another one later in the year. All good scores but as far as Hannah goes ( room for improvement I think). Well done all! Craig and Marie.

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